7:00 PM: How Do I Manage Them, Me, and Their ADHD with John Willson
Would you like your kids to be more responsible, make better choices, be less oppositional so you can get back to enjoying parenting again? This workshop offers simple, doable processes to diffuse the tension, nurture gifts, and help you take care of you. If you would like to stop asking for compliance from your children and start enjoying the rewards of watching your child thrive, then this workshop is one not to be missed! Strategies and processes presented may also be easily converted to the classroom setting.
John Willson is the Executive Director of SOAR, a non-profit residential boarding school, GAP program and adventure camp serving youth with learning and attention challenges. He has a Masters degree in Outdoor Therapeutic Recreation Administration and is a certified Wilderness First Responder. He has served on the national board for CHADD, and as President of the Learning Disabilities Association of North Carolina. He has led hundreds of adventure courses with youth diagnosed with LD & ADHD. He actively presents to parents and professionals at local, state and national conferences.
Also tonight:
8:30pm - 9:20pm: Parent Support Group with Carol Robbins, Ph.D.
8:30pm - 9:20pm: Adult Support Group with Matt Cahill